Deep Learning

Deep Learning is technique of machine learning which is concerned with methods based on artificial neural networks and representation learning with algorithms inspired by structure and function of brain, towards its goal of Artificial Intelligence. It uses multiple layers to extract higher level features progressively from the raw input. Architectures of deep learning include deep neural networks, deep belief networks etc., in fields of computer vision, speech recognition, natural language processing, social network filtering, machine translation, material inspection etc. Unsupervised side of the tracks produces more benefits as the field matures and deals with abundance of unlabeled data available. Deep learning models are trained by using a large set of labeled data, substantial computing power and neural networks, achieving accuracy, sometimes exceeding human intelligence. Some of the examples of deep learning include automated driving, electronics, industrial automation etc

  • Artificial neural networks
  • Deep learning vs machine learning
  • Deep learning platforms
  • Deep learning model training
  • Deep learning in cyber security

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