Audience Targeting And Segmentation With Machine Learning

Process of dividing audience into groups based on their preferences, traits or behavior is called as Segmentation of audience. Machine learning analyses the user base to identify complex patterns and correlations which helps in better personalization. Through this segmentation, marketers would be able to advertise their products or services to those targeted audience which might have a larger chance of acceptance either by sending messages or displaying the product. Because of this, it becomes easy for the marketers to specifically focus on a group of audience and target them for their sales activities. Marketers have to set prioritized goals, test, optimize and revisit their segments for proper analysis of customer segmentation. Activation of new users, Engagement of existing users, building user habits are concerned with proper marketing by targeting segmented audience. 

  • Demographic Segmentation
  • Geographic Segmentation
  • Techno graphic Segmentation
  • Psychographic Segmentation
  • Behavioral Segmentation
  • Data analysis techniques for fraud detection

Audience Targeting And Segmentation With Machine Learning Conference Speakers

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